Are You Choosing Your Final Resting Place Wisely?

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Campaign Name:

Calgro Memorial Parks | You Only Die Once (YODO)


Calgro Memorial Parks

The Challenge:

Alright, let's talk about one of our more unique challenges: how do you convince the living to reserve their final resting place? Yep, you heard that right. Calgro offers premium memorial parks for the departed. Our mission? Capture South Africa's attention and educate them about Calgro's services in a way that really hits home. Challenge accepted!

The Insight:

In South Africa, audiences resonate deeply with relatable humor. So, when tackling the sensitive topic of death, we sprinkled in our signature RJF touch of twisted humor to make the message memorable while delivering the essential information. Introducing the campaign ‘YODO’ (You Only Die Once). The aim? To educate the masses that there's a premium alternative to the unsanitary public graveyards.

The Solution:

It's amazing what can be achieved with a brave client willing to dream big with us. Our journey with Calgro began in 2023, filming their first brand piece. This year, we took it up a notch with the 2024 ‘You Only Die Once…’ campaign. We crafted a narrative that blends humor and sensitivity, making the concept of reserving a final resting place approachable and even engaging. The campaign educates and entertains, highlighting Calgro’s premium, clean, and respectful memorial parks as the best choice for your final journey. With a brave twist on humor and a clear message, we turned a delicate subject into an impactful story, showing that with Calgro, even your final resting place can reflect the dignity and care you deserve.

The Impact:

The campaign tickled South Africas funny bone, racking up over 17 Million views across digital platforms, 11.5 Million views reached and over 1 Million engagements, significantly increasing conversions for Calgro by 35%.

Collaborating With:

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